The Riverside Church holds 4 paintings by Heinrich Hofmann: Christ and the Rich Young Ruler (1889), Christ in Gethsemane (1890), Christ's Image (1894), and Christ in the Temple (1910).
Riverside's Christ in the Temple (1910) is copy executed in Hofmann's studio, under his direction, by the apprentice Elisabeth Ritschen. It is believed most of the faces, however, were done by Hofmann, who considered it "his best copy of the original." The original painting, dated 1881 and 60 x 81 inches in size, is owned by the Galerie Neue Meister in Dresden, Germany. There is also a smaller version of the painting by Hofmann dated 1884 in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany.
According to the website of The Heinrich Hofmann Project there is not presently a published biography or catalogue raisonné covering Hofmann, however scholars seem to be working towards remedying that soon.